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   日期:2023-10-27     浏览:1    


圣戈班Norprene Chemical化学隔离管、耐腐蚀泵管,为牙黄色或黑色管材,内壁有白色半透明衬层。其中牙黄色为食品级软管,黑色为工业级软管。氟材料的耐腐蚀内衬层,具有极出色的抗化学性,可用作蠕动泵管,寿命长。内衬层结合紧密,不会分离。内衬层具有很低的颗粒剥离度,食品级的Norprene Chemical管,内壁通过USP测试。 Norprene Chemical化学隔离管,用作耐腐蚀蠕动泵管。内衬层对大部分无机物耐受性较好,但对非极性溶剂,仍须验证化学兼容性。耐温范围为-60~+70℃。可以射线/气体灭菌,不可121度高压蒸汽灭菌


The values listed for working and burst pressures are derived from tests conducted under controlled laboratory conditions. Many factors will reduce the tubing’s ability to withstand pressures including temperature, chemical attack, stress, pulsation and the attachment to fittings. It is imperative that the user conduct tests simulating the conditions of the application prior to specifying the tubing for use.


圣戈班Norprene Chemical化学隔离管、耐腐蚀泵管,为牙黄色或黑色管材,内壁有白色半透明衬层。其中牙黄色为食品级软管,黑色为工业级软管。氟材料的耐腐蚀内衬层,具有极出色的抗化学性,可用作蠕动泵管,寿命长。内衬层结合紧密,不会分离。内衬层具有很低的颗粒剥离度,食品级的Norprene Chemical管,内壁通过USP测试。 Norprene Chemical化学隔离管,用作耐腐蚀蠕动泵管。内衬层对大部分无机物耐受性较好,但对非极性溶剂,仍须验证化学兼容性。耐温范围为-60~+70℃。可以射线/气体灭菌,不可121度高压蒸汽灭菌


The values listed for working and burst pressures are derived from tests conducted under controlled laboratory conditions. Many factors will reduce the tubing’s ability to withstand pressures including temperature, chemical attack, stress, pulsation and the attachment to fittings. It is imperative that the user conduct tests simulating the conditions of the application prior to specifying the tubing for use.


圣戈班Norprene Chemical化学隔离管、耐腐蚀泵管,为牙黄色或黑色管材,内壁有白色半透明衬层。其中牙黄色为食品级软管,黑色为工业级软管。氟材料的耐腐蚀内衬层,具有极出色的抗化学性,可用作蠕动泵管,寿命长。内衬层结合紧密,不会分离。内衬层具有很低的颗粒剥离度,食品级的Norprene Chemical管,内壁通过USP测试。 Norprene Chemical化学隔离管,用作耐腐蚀蠕动泵管。内衬层对大部分无机物耐受性较好,但对非极性溶剂,仍须验证化学兼容性。耐温范围为-60~+70℃。可以射线/气体灭菌,不可121度高压蒸汽灭菌


The values listed for working and burst pressures are derived from tests conducted under controlled laboratory conditions. Many factors will reduce the tubing’s ability to withstand pressures including temperature, chemical attack, stress, pulsation and the attachment to fittings. It is imperative that the user conduct tests simulating the conditions of the application prior to specifying the tubing for use.



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